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Baby Pictures | Welcome baby Lincoln!

Welcome to the world baby Lincoln!! I took these photos weeks ago when my wife and I went to visit our good friends up in Minnesota. They’d just had a baby and on a whim we jumped in the car and drove the nine hours up to see them. It was totally
Baby portrait, newborn, baby, photographer
worth it of course! We only stayed a day and a half and as we were leaving we decided to take a few quick pictures. We did these by the window in their nursery in less than 5 minutes of shooting, of course when you count diaper changes, feeding, rocking,
Baby photography, newborn baby, pictures, photographer, Saint Joseph
singing, and all manner of efforts to soothe him the actual shoot itself probably lasted more like 45 minutes! As you can tell baby Lincoln just wasn’t feelin the photo shoot at the moment but I actually find the crying baby photos to be somehow endearing.
baby portrait, baby pictures, sleeping baby, black and white, newborn pictures
Maybe it’s because I’m a parent and just had a baby a couple of months ago myself but I see the pictures and it makes me think of how much I love my son and how every time he cries like this it just makes you want to pick him up and love him!! Anyway hopefully Mark and Erin see the pictures and aren’t immediately reminded of the sleepless nights they’re enduring right now and even if they are hopefully they’ll look back on these pictures years from now and smile at what is then a distant memory!

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  • October 9, 2009 - 2:52 pm

    Mary George - Great shots Ben… thanks for sharing these!

  • October 11, 2009 - 11:59 am

    Mary Dunnam - Awesome – and I love the sentiments reflected in your comments – a perfect match of verbal and visual.

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