If every family where as easy to work with as the Smiy family I’d be awfully tempted to give up shooting weddings and just do family pictures for the fun of it! I don’t think I’ve laughed this much or had that much fun during a family portrait shoot in a long time! Definitely a great family to work with! The guy in the olive sweater also happens to be my long time assistant Mike… one of
the smartest, most professional and hard working people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with! He’s started his own wedding cinematography business: Hueline Pictures (if you’re looking for a cinematographer you’ve got to check him out!) and is contemplating heading out to LA to pursue a career in the film industry. He will be sorely missed as an assistant and cinematographer but I think he’s got a bright future and he’s promised to fly me out to the set of whatever he’s producing some day to take pictures so I’ll be rooting for him! All in all we had a great time hiking around the Grandmere dunes taking pictures and while most of the fall color had disappeared we managed to find just enough of it in spots to really make the pictures pop!
Family Portraits: Grandmere

by Ben