Last Friday I met up with Whitney & Ben to do engagement photos on the beach here in Southwest Michigan. We really lucked out with the weather for this engagement shoot because as it turns out it was one of the only beautiful days of the week! Whitney and
Ben love the outdoors and are pretty adventurous so when I talked with them about possible locations for the engagement photos they were up for anything. We ended up settling on making a couple of stops but doing the majority of the photos in the dunes of
Grand Mere. We choose the dunes by Lake Michigan for the natural beauty and how unique they’d be for engagement photos… not many people are willing to go for a hike during their engagement shoot but like I’ve already said, these two are used to hiking
and the outdoors so it wasn’t to much of a stretch! We ended up starting in downtown Saint Joseph where we did a couple of quick engagement photos behind one of my favorite buildings, it’s a beautiful spot with nice soft natural light that just wraps
around the subjects and the simple wall is free of distractions. From there we went to the pier at Tiscornia Beach for a few quick beach/peir photos and then took off for Grand Mere. As you can tell we hiked all over and had a lot of fun shooting in the dunes. I
think the picture turned out great and I can’t wait to share them with Ben & Whitney! If you live near Lake Michigan and want to have your engagement pictures done in the dunes or on the beach I’d highly recommend it and you don’t need to be quite as
adventurous as Ben & Whitney where to get amazing pictures either! Every beach is unique and your photographer will certainly be able to find some really fun and artistic ways to make your photos stand out regardless of where they are taken!
Saint Joseph Michigan | Engagement Photos on the Beach

by Ben
Jessica | Stella Event Design - What a gorgeous couple & beautiful pictures! Fantastic job, Ben!
Jill Sweebe - Ben, Whitney and Ben’s engagement pictures really capture their spirit. Whitney’s like my other daughter as Shelby and she did/do so many activities together.